Our Approach
At Jambavan Arts Collective, we follow the approach of Expressive Arts Therapy in the journeys and the experiences we curate here.

  • Expressive arts therapy is an integrative, multimodal approach that utilizes a variety of methods including writing, music, visual arts, drama, and dance to help people achieve personal growth.
  • It is a process of self-discovery that relies on artistic self-expression as a way to achieve emotional release.
  • This type of therapy is characterized by a focus on the creative process itself, instead of the end goal and it is practiced by utilizing a wide range of materials, and exploring a number of different techniques as part of a therapeutic but creative intervention.

How is it put into practice in Jambavan Arts Collective?
At Jambavan Arts Collective, we are not restricted to using / practicing just one form of Art like Drawing or Painting but instead in a single journey or experience or session of 2-3 hours curated in the space, on cane engage with and experience other forms of Art too such as Music, Movement, Creative Writing, Drama, and Play. We create and express in a safe, judgement free, environment where the goal is not to make a beautiful piece of art but allow the process of creating, exploring open up something within us. As we move through each form of Art, we uncover a deeper layer about ourselves in the process. And in doing so we reconnect with our Inner Child the one that is the source of limitless potential, curiosity and creativity.
What do we do?
Intermodal Expressive Arts Journeys
From Nov 2022 – Feb 2023, in Jambavan Arts Collective we held many beautiful gatherings, where art & music lovers, dreamers & seekers from all over the world went on intermodal expressive art journeys to come together to make art, play music, make new friends, share a laugh or two but most importantly reconnect with their inner-child in creative and playful ways. Here is a snapshot:

Remembering With Love

Concept/ Theme
Some say that imagination is child’s play when it really is the most powerful tool available for creation in this universe. Somehow in the act of ‘becoming an adult’ we forget about this magical power of ours. What if just for some time, we could drop all the frameworks of being an adult. And let loose the child within us?

RWL is an Expressive Art Immersion where we go on a journey to ‘Remember with Love’ the joy of creating, playing, dancing, and laughing from a place of childlike Imagination. From a place of Freedom. From a place of no-mind and only heart. In this immersion, one is guided and encouraged to use the magic of your childlike imagination go on a journey of storytelling, dancing, drawing, painting, creating art and much more!

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Storytelling, Play, Movement, Community Art, Ritual
Emotions in Motion

Concept / Theme
Emotions in motion is an Expressive Arts Immersive Music & Movement based journey through one's emotions. In this immersion you will be guided to move to the tune of live music while one remains blindfolded. The blindfold helps one to cut out the noise outside and truly step inwards into your own body and being. Into a space of deep play with their emotions. Where they can dance them out. Transmute and release them. To become lighter, to become anew. The attendees would also be invited into a meditative art space to give space and form to what would arrive for them in their own personal and private ways so that they can re-center themselves and integrate this experience.

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Color Therapy, Play, Movement, Ritual

Concept / Theme
Soulflow is a guided exploration of connecting with the sea and taking inspiration from its waters to create art, to play, to let go and flow. The sea has many lessons to offer in just the way it is. The lesson of impermanence, the lesson of playfulness, that of stillness, that of vastness and last but not the least, the reminder that this life is a life of ebb and flow. In this immersion, nature and in particular the ocean is used as a resource to set the framework and guide each activity of the journey.

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Storytelling, Play, Movement, Community Art, Ritual
Expressive Body

Concept / Theme
When you feel hungry, you feel a sensation in your stomach first not in your mind, when you get injured your body registers the pain first even before the brain can tell you anything. We are told we need to listen to the body, but why is that? Because the body talks.

Traditionally we are taught to think of the brain or the ‘head’ as the guiding force in our lives when it is in fact the body, an incredibly intelligent organism that acts independently of the mind via its own self-regulation and feedback system. The mind is full of conditioned responses but the body doesn't lie. So if you really want to tune into the truth of your being, you need to tap into the innate wisdom of your own body. In this immersion people were invited to reconnect to the physical expression of their body through a unique artful play. With paints participants would be encouraged to give a new life, a new voice to different parts of our body (face, hands, leg etc.) and express what it had to say through dialogue, music, movement and games.

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Storytelling, Play, Body Art, Movement, Drama
Paint the Stars

Concept / Theme

"For my part I know nothing with any certainty,

but the sight of the stars makes me dream."

Vincent Van Gogh

‘Paint the Stars’ is an Expressive Arts Painting Party. In this journey, people are invited to come and paint with Acrylic colors on a canvas board. The framework that is provided is to paint taking inspiration from Van Gogh’s starry night. At Jambavan we want to make the process of making art democratic and accessible to all, even those who had never painted in their lives. As such in this journey, the participants are shown how to go about the painting amasterpiece but giving it their own personal spin, adding their own personal touches. Thus encouraging them to develop their own personal relationship with art. And deepen into it at their own time, if they so wish to.

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Storytelling, Play, Ritual

Concept / Theme
Embrace is an expressive art journey that we did in Jambavan to the tune of live music. Neela and Anokhei are two upcoming artists who were traveling through India to shoot for a documentary film they are making based on the life of Neela and her album Exposé. This album is all about accepting and falling in love with all your flaws, all your beauty. Serenaded by Neela's, captivating vocals and music we moved through a journey of letting go to coming into a loving embrace with our present moment. Participants are guided to express and integrate their intrinsic experience of the music and live vocals using Art and Movement.

Art Modalities Used: Visual Art, Storytelling, Play, Movement, Live Music

Concept / Theme
emerge is a multisensory journey of live soundscapes, art and movement. For this immersion we collaborated with Adam Taylor, a musician who creates live, improvised soundscapes, intended for soothing and meditative sonic journeying. The soundscapes created by adam take one on a journey of melodies of bamboo flutes and harmonicas. These are mixed with field recordings of bird songs, bell gongs, and elemental rumbles from their travels around the world. While the sound journey was the main element of this experience, I guided people to express and integrate their intrinsic experience of the evening using art and movement.

Art modalities used: visual art, storytelling, ritual, live soundscapes